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What account info does Zapier have access to?

Realeflow provides Zapier with the following account information:

  • Contacts 

    • Full Name
    • Company Name

    • Email

    • Phone

    • Address

    • Source

    • Tags

  • Properties 

    • Street address

    • City

    • State

    • Zipcode

    • Source

    • Tags

You will be able to use the aforementioned data in Realeflow to connect with any of Zapier’s 3,000+ approved apps.

Each Zap has one app as the Trigger, where your information comes from and which causes one or more Action in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically. 

For example, if you set-up a Zap using Google Sheets and Realeflow where the Trigger is Realeflow and the Action is Google Sheets, each time a  NEW Contact or Property file (you decide during set-up) is added to Realeflow the Contact data will be sent to a Google Sheet and vice versa. 

Notes: The current functionality only allows for contact and property creation and cannot add to/edit/merge with an existing file. 

Future product plans

We have additional features and functionality that we’re planning to build out in the future. We would love your thoughts and feedback on how important this feature is to you. Here’s what you have to look forward to:

  • Tasks

  • Property & Contact Notes

  • Calendar Events

  • Documents

  • Email

  • Direct Mail

What data in Realeflow would you like to see connected to Zapier? Let us know by emailing our Product team at

Create a FREE Zapier account here.
**Zapier's free account allows for the creation of up to 5 Zaps and 100 Tasks per month. They also limit free accounts to single-step Zaps. If your business needs require a higher Zap/Task limit or the ability to create more complex/multi-step Zaps, you may consider upgrading to a paid account with them. You can view all of their free and paid plan features details here.

Need inspiration? See everything that's possible with Realeflow and Zapier

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