1. 1 Page Deal Analyzer- This analysis tool is quick and easy. The entire
analysis is on 1 page. Plug in the different costs and watch it calculate your
profit and ROI. You can change your costs to quickly see your new calculated
profit and ROI.
2. Multi-Page Deal Analyzer- This analysis tool is more labor intensive.
You are able to compare between 3 types of investment strategies: Buy and
Flip, Buy and Hold, and a Lease Option purchase. This analysis tool will guide
you through each step depending on the type of analysis you choose. Once
completed you will find detailed reporting for each investment strategy you
Deal Analyzer is a feature that automatically analyzes a deal to show your
estimated net profit and ROI (return on investment). Enter the key
parameters of the deal and watch the Deal Analyzer handle the heavy
lifting. It's like having a financial analyst evaluate each deal before you make
an offer helping save you time and find deals that sense for you and your
The key parameters that both Deal Analyzers evaluate are:
1. Property Value: What are you spending to acquire the property and what
do you expect to sell the property for?
2. Repair Cost: How much do you need to invest in repairs to get the house in
a condition to sell?
3. Financing Costs: What are your financing costs related to mortgages or
other loans during the holding period?
4. Holding Costs: Taxes, HOA or Condo Fees, Insurance, and Utilities. These
costs add up and need to be factored in during the holding period.
5. Transaction Costs: There are costs associated with buying and selling a
property such as attorney fees, commissions, and closing costs.
Josh Tobias